Here’s to the juice lovers. The rebels. The ones at a crossroad. The ones who believe food is medicine. The ones who see things differently. That want to help others. If you’re considering to start your own juicing business, then nothing is going to stop you.
But what’s the first thing to get started with? What does it take? How much time does it require? And how can you take the idea and put it into action? That’s where we come in. We’ve bundled all of the information we’ve come across and put it into one thirst quenching e-book.
And do you think starting a juicing business is all fun? We’ll definitely show you what trouble you’re getting yourself into. Being a juicing business owner is hard work! Beyond preparing your juices, you need to think about health regulations, juice shelf life, packaging anddelivery. You need to invest in a juicer and a location to prepare your juices. And what about your marketing strategy and profit margins?
Don’t worry. The e-book will help you to provide you with all of the juicing business secrets you need to know to make your journey a lot easier. It won’t start the business for you. But it’s a good kick in the but so you won’t let go of your juicing dreams and get to do what you do best: making people healthy with the best juice they’ve ever had!
So, if you also see things differently and believe you are the difference between the world as it was and the better place it will become, then let’s get started!